New product for antenna testing. Post #1310.

New product for antenna testing
Accessed on 13 November 2017, 0125 UTC.
Please click link to read the full article.

On Saturday, 11 November 2017, UK antenna manufacturer, SOTABEAMS, announced the release of a new antenna tuning system called WSPRlite-Flexi.

According to SOTABEAMS, the new antenna device covers from 6 meters through 630 meters--just right for radio amateurs experimenting on the 630 meter band (472 kHz to 479 kHz).

Here are some of the features of the Flexi System:

"The Flexi also incorporates a number of new facilities including a unique interference avoidance algorithm to help it avoid interference from other WSPR users. When combined with the website, WSPRlite provides a unique way to look at antenna performance and to see how propagation varies in real-time.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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