DIY 9:1 Ham Radio Antenna End Fed Longwire Random Wire

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End fed random length longwire antennas can perform remarkably well if you have a decent ground radial/counterpoise system and a way to match the antenna's high impedance to your rigs nominal 50 ohm input.

In this video, "Signal Search" shows us how to match this antenna to your rig's input impedance with a simple 9:1 balun.  The balun is based on a design from the Emergency Radio Club of Hawaii (EARCHI).  This excellent video takes us step-by-step through the design, building, and use phases of this useful balun.

Once the balun is built and connected to your antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner"), you should be able to use your longwire antenna on any amateur radio band from 40 meters through 6 meters.  For more information, please visit this website:

For the latest Amateur Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday). (Amateur Radio News & Information).

Other sites of interest:

Hawaii Science Digest (
Hawaii Intelligence Digest (
Hawaii Intelligence Daily (
Hawaii News Digest (

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Opinions expressed in this blog are mine unless otherwise stated.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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