Homebrew Antenna Launcher-Ham Radio. Post #1288.

If you can't views this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unIiqNuzHNI.

If you enjoy working the lower HF bands (160 meters through 40 meters), tall structures such as trees are a must to get antennas high enough to make DX contacts a regular event.  Over the years, many radio amateurs have made antenna launchers that will shoot your antennas over trees and other structures. In this video from Tinker Tom (W5CYF), we learn how to build a simple and inexpensive antenna launcher that will cost you less than $25.00 and take only 30 minutes to assemble.  The components are simple:  a slingshot, a support arm, and a casting fishing reel with a sinker attached.  Tinker Tom has used this basic tool to launch antenna wires to heights between 75 and 100 feet (22.86 to 30.48 meters) above ground level.

For the latest Amateur Radio news and information, please visit these websites:

http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon).
https://paper.li/kh6jrm/1430289353 (Amateur Radio News & Information).

Othe sites of interest:

Hawaii Science Digest (https://paper.li/f-1476233615).
Hawaii Intelligence Digest (https://hawaiiintelligencedigest.com).
Hawaii Intelligence Daily (https://paper.li/f-1482109921).

Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles.

Opinions expressed in this blog are mine unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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