Multiband HF portable antenna, the easy way. Post #1214.

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Thanks to "rcobo 101" for this simple, effective, multiband HF vertical antenna. Basically, the antenna is a vertical helix wrapped with 1/2 wavelength of wire for the lowest band of operation.  The winding serves as a 1/4 wavelength vertical and can be used with a suitable ground radio/counterpoise system and antenna "tuner" for the HF band of choice.  Although multiband operation is certainly possible with an antenna "tuner", this particular design works best on the band of your choice.  In this video, "rcobo 101" used 35 feet/10.670 meters of speaker wire wrapped as a helix on a 20 foot/6.097 meters telescoping fishing pole.  As such, this antenna is ideal for the 20 meter band.  According to "rcobo 101", his antenna "tuner" allows satisfactory operation on all amateur radio bands from 40 through 6 meters.  All you need to do is provide a sturdy tripod for support and attach a ground radial/counterpoise system for successful operation. I've built several of these vertical helix antennas, and despite their narrow bandwidth, they seem to work as well as a "normal" 1/4 wavelength vertical.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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