Bicycle Rim Magnetic Loop Ham Radio Antenna - Homebrew de KK6FUT. Post #1210.

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This antenna project is one of the things that makes Amateur Radio so fun and fascinating--turning junk into something useful. In this case, KK6FUT has converted an old bicycle wheel/rim into a homebrewed magnetic loop antenna for the 15 meter and 20 meter ham bands.  The loop is made from a discarded bicycle wheel/rim after the spokes have been removed. KK6FUT made slits with a hacksaw and used an old AM/FM variable capacitor for tuning. While this loop is primarily for receiving, it can be used to transmit with a 4 to 5 watt signal. SWR measurements are quite good--1.0:1 on 15 meters and 1.4:1 on 20 meters.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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