Ham Radio-80 160 meter magnetic loop transmitting antenna.

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Here's an intriguing way to get on 160 and 80 meters with a stealthy magnetic loop antenna.  In this video, Kevin Loughin builds, erects, and uses a 6-foot/1.829 meter diameter magnetic loop for 80 and 160 meters.  As Kevin relates, " I create a two-turn loop to get down to 160 and it works quite well. I checked into a local 160 meter net and 4 out of 5 stated they could hear me." The loop is made from copper tubing and uses a 20 pf to 700 pf capacitor with about a 1 mm spacing to tune the antenna.  Kevin says "I've pushed it to 40 watts without an arc."

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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