160m inverted L. Post #1186.

If you can't view this video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqsfQngkpmM.

Now that 160 meters and other low HF bands (80 meters and 40 meters) are becoming more popular because of the approaching solar minimum, you may want to design, build, and use an antenna specifically dedicated for "The Gentlemen's Band (160 meters)."  Erecting such an antenna, even for a 1/4 wavelength vertical, involves some serious height and space requirements (135 ft/41.15 meters). You can reduce the length and height requirements by building an inverted L antenna for this band, where the wire is partially vertical and partially horizontal.  In this video, Stephen Desmarais has done just that and has managed to squeeze in a 160 meter antenna using his back yard.  Stephen also includes a "tuning box" and a ground radial/counterpoise system to make the antenna more efficient and to reduce rfi in the shack.

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http://www.kh6jrm.info (breaking news for radio amateurs).
http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news (a weekly podcast updated every Friday).

Other sites of interest:

http://hawaiisciencedigest.com (science and technology news for radio amateurs).
https://hawaiiintelligencedigest.com (trends in geopolitical intelligence and cybersecurity).
https://paper.li/f-1482109921 (my daily intelligence briefing).

Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles.

Opinions expressed in this blog are mine unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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