Construction of a 9-1 unun. Post #1122.

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Here's a handy item that will make using an end-fed random length wire antenna easier and more efficient.  A 9-1 unun used in combination with an antenna "tuner" and a good ground radial or counterpoise system will make that random wire perform better than expected.

This short video tutorial from "mk1tina" guides you through the process of designing, building, and using a 9-1 unun for your end-fed antennas.  According to "mk1tina", the core used is a T200-2 with 9 trifilar turns of enamel wire. The case is fairly small, measuring 120mm by 80mm.  Although the unit is rated at 400 watts, it may be best to run power levels below 100 watts to keep components cool.  You may want to bring one of these 9-1 ununs with you to the ARRL Field Day, just in case you may be using a random length wire antenna.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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