How To Build A QRP Dummy Load. Post #1096.

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Randy Hall (K7AGE) has produced another fascinating and easy-to-follow tutorial for radio amateurs.  This time, Randy takes us step-by-step in making a 20 watt QRP Dummy Load.  The material list is simple and readily available from several Amateur Radio stores and distributors.  You may have some of these components in your "junk box."

Material list:

8 X 100 ohm 3 watt metal film resistors.
1 X 1N5711 diode.
1 X .001 uF capacitor.
BNC or SO239 connector.

The dummy load even has a test meter to measure the voltage used in your QRP transceiver.  A very nice weekend project.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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