Simple Ham Radio Antennas--EFHW-8010 8-band End Fed Half Wave Antenna. Post #970

EFHW-8010 8-band End Fed Half Wave Antenna
Accessed on 02 December 2016, 17:45 hrs.
Please click link or insert title URL into your browser search box to read the full review of this antenna.

Although I prefer to build most of my antennas, this antenna from may change my mind--at least where portable or emergency antennas are concerned.

In this article from, we see a wide selection of reviews concerning the EFHW 8010 8-band End Fed Half Wave Antenna.  All of the reviews give a positive  reaction to the antenna which covers the 80-40-30-17-15-12, and 10 meter Amateur Radio bands without an antenna "tuner."  Several reviews claim the antenna is workable on 160 and 6 meters as well.

The antenna comes pre-assembled and can be used in a variety of configurations, depending on your operating requirements.  The antenna is also "stealthy" so it can be used in HOA/CC&R situations.  The cost is fairly reasonable for what you get--$119.95.  If you want more information about this multi-band end fed antenna, please visit this site:

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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