Simple Ham Radio Antennas--The 40 Meter Stealth Vertical. Post #653.

The 40 Meter Stealth Vertical.
Based on an article published by K7ZB in "Antennex", December 2001.
Accessed on 10 January 2016, 04:15 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Simone Mannino (IW5EDI), Firerize, Italy.

If you live in a deed-restricted apartment or home governed by an HOA or CC&Rs, you may find this article by Simone Mannino (IW5EDI) quite interesting.  The original article was published by K7ZB in the December 2001 edition of "Antennex."

Basically, the system uses a collapsible mast to support a vertical wire measuring approximately 33-feet/10.06 meters. The antenna fits on a small porch and is lowered when it's not in use, making the antenna invisible to neighbors.  A simple radial system is used to complete the antenna.  There are several photographs in the article, which explain the step-by-step process of building, erecting, and lowering the antenna.  You can get multiband performance from this simple antenna by feeding the antenna with 300 ohm television twin lead or 450 ohm ladder line.  In this arrangement, you will need a 4:1 balun between the tuned feeders and your antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner").  I've built several of these antennas over the years, and they work fairly well considering the limitations imposed by landlords and property owners.  This antenna can be raised and lowered quickly, making it "out of sight, out of mind" for your neighbors.  This arrangement also works well as a portable or emergency antenna.  Just collapse the fiberglass mast, coil up the radials and feed line, add your balun and tuner, and put them in a long box.  When you need an antenna for Field Day or a spur-of-the-moment portable operation, you'll have a simple solution close at hand.

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